Supraspinatous tendinopathy – treatment with modern equipment

Mięsień nadgrzebieniowy

Shoulder pain has many causes. It is recommended to see a doctor as soon as possible, because if the supraspinatus tendon is damaged, treating the minor injury will not be a problem. However, further stress on such a weakened tendon can lead to rupture and surgery. What should make us visit a specialist? What forms of treatment can he recommend to us? We explain in the article.

Ból barku - tendinopatia ścięgna mięśnia nadgrzebieniowego

Supraspinatus tendon injury – symptoms

one of the most common shoulder injuries. This muscle is used to abduct the arm and tighten the shoulder bag. It is located above the scapula and connects to the humerus.

If in its area we feel pain when moving the shoulder or lying on it, in addition, we have a limited range of motion and impressions crunching or jumping in the joint, this may mean that the tendon of the supraspinatus muscles is damaged. Treating this injury is very individual and often takes time and patience.

Mięsień nadgrzebieniowy
Supraspinal muscle marked in red

Causes of supraspinal tendinopathy

This injury can be caused by both rapid movement, such as falling on an upright arm or lifting a heavy object, or regular muscle overload during sports, such as hand balls or swimming. Chronic supraspinatal tendinopathy can also result from abnormal posture, degenerative changes, and pinched shoulder syndrome.

There are minor and very serious injuries. Acute (rupture) usually occurs after the application of various factors, for example, during a fall affecting a tendon that has already been weakened by changes. In turn, in the case of the solstice during training, if we do not ignore the first signals of the body, we can only deal with moderate tendinopathy of the supraspinatus tendon, which will be much easier to treat.

Supraspinatus tendon injury treatment

The main goal of therapy is to first reduce pain and then return to full physical form. To do this, you must abandon training and any activities that can strain the tendon. To support the patient’s regeneration are used:

  • manual therapy,
  • deep tissue massage,
  • functional training,
  • Therapeutic therapy procedures.

To treat supraspinatus tendinopathy, treatment may also include anti-inflammatory and pain relievers, and sometimes surgery may be required. Usually the doctor makes a decision only when less invasive methods work, and this includes physical therapy. What can he offer us?


Injury to the supraspinatus tendon helps to heal, among other things, local cryotherapy procedures. Primarily relieves pain, but also releases endorphins and accelerates blood circulation, so that they stimulate the regeneration of affected tissues. They are non-invasive and painless and are often used even for fresh injuries.


When we have supraspinal tendinopathy, the treatment can also be supported by kinesiotaping. This is a method of covering an injured part of the body with elastic bands that stabilize the joint or mobilize muscles, depending on the need for work or rest. The great importance of this therapy is the continuity of the stimulation. The body works all the time, so it is more difficult for tissues to return to reflex short circuits, for example.

High Energy Laser Therapy

Another physiotherapy method is high-energy laser therapy, which, using longer wavelengths, affects the affected areas, including deep structures. This is why it is one of the most valuable treatments for supraspinatus tendon injury. Thanks to different modes of operation, iLUX high-energy lasers work in a complex: for pain relief, anti-inflammatory effect and relaxation.

We recommend that you watch our video, in which we present the iLUX laser treatment for supracranial muscle rupture:

Percutaneous electrolysis

EPTE percutaneous electrolysis is a minimally invasive technique that involves inserting acupuncture into a sore spot and passing it through a low-voltage galvanic microcurrent. This therapy is most commonly used to treat chronic tendon supraacute. Why?

Because that’s when the damaged tissue loses its ability to heal itself. By triggering controlled inflammation through electrolysis, we again stimulate the body to fight disease and repair. This is a very effective method, thanks to which the patient heals faster and the effects are visible after two days.

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