Ankle sprain and physical therapy

Stretching, curling and tearing? These ankle injuries are particularly common in the surrounding tissue. Today we will focus on ankle sprains. How does it differ from a dislocation, what are its symptoms, the degree of injury and methods of treatment? We will answer these questions in the article.

Causes and symptoms of ankle sprain

Ligament sprain means damage to the joint capsule and ligaments when the range of motion of a given pond is exceeded. Most often, we injure our ankle in this way, for example, running on uneven ground, falling off a curb or step, or crooked foot when landing after a jump. Contact injuries and high heels, among other things, contribute to this injury.

Skręcenie stawu skokowego podczas biegania

There are three degrees of ankle stretch:

  • Grade 1 ankle sprain – minor injury, minor swelling and bruising in the ankle, but we can move our leg. This means that the ligaments were only stretched – this is the case when cold compresses and rest are enough, it is also good to strengthen the ankle with a bandage. For several days it will be necessary to limit walking to a minimum.
  • Grade 2 ankle sprain – the swelling and hematoma are larger, the site of injury is very painful, and the range of motion is slightly altered (pathological movements appear). In this situation, you should already see a doctor, because, most likely, the ligaments are partially torn. Anti-inflammatory, pain relieving and decongestant ointments will certainly be helpful. You also need to use a stabilizer for joint stiffness and rehabilitation.
  • Grade 3 Ankle Sprain – Outside Severe pain and swelling in this case also manifest as joint instability. This is a sign that the ligaments have been broken. It is not possible to fix the joint with plaster, which will be replaced with stabilizer in a few weeks.

It is very important to distinguish between ankle sprain and dislocation. The second of these injuries, in addition to damage to the joint capsule and ligaments, is also associated with loss of contact between the articular surfaces of the bones – in this case, the tibia and the ankle – and, therefore, joint deformity.

Ankle sprains and lacerations – treatment

During the examination, the doctor must first determine the severity of the injury. To do this, he checks the soreness of the leg, the size of the swelling and evaluates the work of individual ligaments. He usually also orders X-rays and sometimes an additional ultrasound scan.

In mild cases, treatment may be limited to cooling the ankle with compresses and rest. If the injury is more serious, anti-inflammatories and pain relievers are needed, as well as strengthening and rehabilitation of the joints.

Grade 3 ankle sprains may require ligament reconstruction surgery, but these are special and sporadic situations. However, physiotherapy is commonly used, although depending on the severity of the injury, the point at which it can be implemented will be different. Twisting the ankle 2 (i.e. when we missed wearing a cast) allows immediate action. What rehabilitation methods do we have?

Ankle sprain and physiotherapy

The sooner we start rehabilitation, the sooner we will recover. Unfortunately, at the very beginning of the disease, when the injury is fresh and painful, and the leg is swollen, the traditional therapist will do little. Fortunately, modern medicine has already found several ways to do this.

TECAR Therapy

TECAR, i.e. Capacitive and resistive energy transfer is a therapy using high frequency radio waves that inject large doses of energy into the injury site. Thus, they stimulate tissue regeneration, improve the absorption of hematomas and reduce swelling.


Topical cryotherapy for ankle sprains and lacerations is mainly used to reduce pain and swelling. Cold therapy can also help reduce inflammation. In addition, it also helps to relax muscles and stimulate the circulatory system.

High Energy Laser Therapy

High energy laser is one of the few treatments that can be done immediately after injury. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and biostimulating effects, and thanks to the use of appropriate wavelengths, it reaches even the deepest structures of the body. Thus, you can speed up the first, most painful and problematic stage of treatment. You can read more about this therapy in our article: High Energy Laser in the Treatment of Ankle Sprains. We strongly recommend that you read, because the text also shows the effect of the treatment compared to the first and fourth days.

Ultrasound Treatment

Sonotherapy (ultrasound therapy), used later in the treatment of ankle sprains, supports the body by stimulating cell repair and improving circulation. It also reduces swelling. In addition to the thermal effects, ultrasonic waves also have a mechanical effect that acts as a micro-massage, thus relaxing the muscles around the affected area.

Time for full recovery

The ankle joint is delicate and at the same time a very important place in our body. Do not underestimate his injuries, because neglecting injuries can lead to irreversible degeneration. Let’s give our body time to fully recover before we return to normal functioning and exercise.

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